As much as i wish i was attending Glastonbury Festival this w.e with Kate Moss, i am absolutely jumping out of my skin for Splendour in the hippy town of Byron Bay. After sooking to my boyfriend and friends for quiet sometime that i missed out on tickets, yesterday i hit the jackpot!!
I won 2x tickets, 3 nights accom in a beautiful balinese looking resort, airflights, my own chauffeur, backstage to all bands/gigs/dj's and VIP bar entry the whole weekend!! I couldnt be happier...
So now that im going i have incurred a slight problem. 3 days notice, working full time, is almost impossible to find a spare hour to go shopping to put together an outfit in time argghh..so ive pulled out the gumboots (as it winter and rainy=mud) to sport a look just like Kate Moss did at Glastonbury! Im not quiet sure how cold its going to be (it should be a bit warmer than sydney as its a few hours up the coast towards Queensland) so fingers crossed to me wearing my denim mini shorts and an american apparel tee..yeah?
Enjoy your week/end...
x x